Tuesday, December 6, 2011

YouTube Gets New Design

With just an addition of the code in browser JavaScript console could already see: YouTube was preparing to relaunch its home page with new layout. Last night Google released once the revamped interface, which is available to users immediately (at least here already opened on the first try).

Note that the homepage has undergone many changes. The design team chose to YouTube add a menu on the left side, from which the user has access to several channels that he signs. And integration with the Facebook brand presence, so that the video site pulls own social network what friends are sharing and places it in a way more interesting for those who just want to watch the audiovisual content.

Of course it also has integration with Google +. It works similar to the social network integration with Mark Zuckerberg.

On the cover there are still entries, with the videos recently published in the subscribed channels. Beside, YouTube uses algorithms to define recommendations videos you would like to attend, considering your user profile. Each click on "like" each play and each site interaction enhances the way that YouTube builds its consumption profile (content, in this case).

Following the previous layout, YouTube remains a large area below your top bar in which advertisers can place interactive video and other types of advertising. After all, Google still has the intention of making money from the biggest video site in the world.

Page YouTube Channel
The channel page has also changed. You can choose a video highlight, and other customizations depending on the interest of each user. For me, I found it interesting to put the video Lumia 800 highlighted, with immediate playback as soon as one opens the page and no ads. See the result here.

I was with the new YouTube layout enabled a few days ago. The feeling is that the design team put its house in order. It was easier to find functions, and the page channel is certainly more elegant.

And what did you think?