Thursday, November 10, 2011

Next version of Silverlight may be last

As long as Adobe Flash embeds the mobile platform and unceremoniously throws a bucket of lime in its development, Microsoft may have similar ideas in the head in relation to the desktop version of its own Silverlight. According to sources from ZDNet, Microsoft is to release Silverlight 5, the next version of your plugin and that should also be his last.

According to the site, several Microsoft partners and customers are being warned that the company plans to discontinue development of its plugin after this version is released. None of the customers, however, inform knew for sure that Microsoft plans to continue releasing security updates for Silverlight 5 and for how long.

Silverlight 5 was announced in 2010 and there is even a Release Candidate available for download the program, although the final version has not yet an exact date to be released. And it will bring several new features such as support for H.264 decoding hardware acceleration, and improved remote management DRM.

And it's not like Silverlight was not important for the web. Large sites content distribution and streaming videos prefer this plugin for it to provide greater security against the capture of images and possibly even higher quality than the Flash. No wonder it is used in Netflix, for example.

Therefore, like the Flash, he will continue to be used until a colossal failure is discovered or companies to find a better solution to distribute content. What comes first.