Monday, April 2, 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 released

Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 released recently. Since this version is the last test before the final, there is little new. Several bugs have been solved.

Interesting, we can highlight the Unity 5.8, with several enhancements in navigation and improved support for environments with multiple monitors. It is now possible, for example, choose whether you prefer to display the application launcher on the primary monitor only or all.

The Center for Programs in Ubuntu also gained improvements: Now when you install a program it is automatically added to the launcher Unity. The infamous HUD has a new default animation, and now he respects settings launcher (auto hide things like, for example) and also the icon size you set. In addition, HUD is also available for the Unity 2D, for you who want to use this new menu system but no machine to run a full 3D environment.

Downloading Ubuntu 4.12 LTS Beta 2 can be done directly from the Canonical website. And if you've never heard our warnings that test versions should not be installed in production environments, you can also upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 release test pressing Alt + F2 and typing "update-manager-d". As always, we are not responsible for any explosions that would cause.