Friday, July 22, 2011

Android Market is now accepting different files for different devices

To date the application developers for Android only had the option of sending a file from your application to be sold in the store. With that they had to optimize the code to run on most handsets and Android versions as possible, which ends up leaving out the owners of older devices or older versions of the system. But Google has announced a change in policy.

According to the official blog for Android developers, today from any person or company that publishes applications on the Android Market will be able to upload multiple files. Apk the same program listed in the store.

In practice, this means that a developer will be able to send as many files of the same application he wants, without this being shown to the end user. With this advantage, he will be able to withstand a greater number of Android devices, since each file can be directed to a specific device and take advantage of screen resolution, processor, or different configuration.

Certainly it will take more work for developers, who will have to change the codes and control over different versions of files. But for those who want to sell more and therefore make more money, nothing more obvious than to endure as many devices as possible.

Android is a developer who can learn more details about the new procedure in this link.