Saturday, July 16, 2011

On Twitter, Microsoft confirms Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango"

Amazingly, there were discussions on the internets that future version "Mango" of Microsoft's mobile platform. We had people arguing that the official name would be Windows Phone 7.0, and had people swearing feet together that the name is actually Windows Phone 7.5. If you bet on the latter, you win.

The curious thing is that MS has not confirmed the name of the next major release of Windows Phone. However, the best scheme "without wanting to want", the company posted on Twitter this information ahead of time. And he put out right away, perhaps to avoid future problems.

On account @ ImagineCup, which talks about the Imagine Cup competition, some intern made ​​the mistake of publishing: "All finalists will receive the # ImagineCup launch Windows Phone 7.5 Mango! Each student will get the phone in September. "

Heads will roll? Nobody knows. Perhaps Steve Ballmer to order that vehicles cover computer did buzz about it. It worked, as you can see.

TechCrunch raised the question (quite appropriate) if students will gain a beta version of Windows Phone 7.5, or if equipment has to be the final version of the platform. In a way, we kind of have at least a clue of when the "Mango" will finally be released.

Should remember that the Windows Phone 7.5 arrives in Brazil when the "Mango" is finally released. This may mean that these smartphones begin in September to land here. IPhone beware.