Thursday, July 7, 2011

IBM's Watson to become telemarketer

In the area of ​​intelligent computers, Watson, created by IBM, has gained enough prominence in recent times. After kicking back two humans in a game of questions and answers, he began to process data that can help save the lives of patients in hospitals. His unique and sophisticated method of analysis of natural language allows him to perform both tasks with extreme efficiency. Now IBM plans to use it instead of unlicensed telemarketing.

While many telemarketing attendants are trained to sell a product, some details about it can escape and that's where Watson excels. Companies can enter data in the program DeepQA product that works as a database and is also responsible for generating and analyzing results, and leave the Watson working alone, selling what the company wants.

This same scheme can also be used to replace attendants support. As they need to take several questions from users or resolve their problems on the computer, may also forget some details specific problems. As Watson would have all the answers, just the look DeepQA and show what is the best solution, based on the user's question or problem.

IBM plans to test its supercomputer internally before releasing it to other companies. And in a little scheme inception, the first task will be to try Watson Watsons sell more to other institutions.