Friday, July 22, 2011

Google Remains on Top In Advertising.

When it comes to advertising network, Google remains unbeatable. His throne as king of this business is assured for quite some time. The consulting firm was Word Stream beyond the seeker's sales figures for the fiscal quarter. They did an analysis to find out what are the issues that bring more money to the already heavy pockets of the giant web.

Only in the last four fiscal quarters, Google reported revenue of $ 32.2 billion just in advertising. And the online advertising pie represents 97% of the total turnover of the company - and you think that those caraminguás to increase space on your Gmail made a difference to the company.

Below you can see the search terms that are more expensive for advertisers. They were all originally in English and were translated.

Lawyer (attorney);
Attorney (lawyer);
Accommodation (with respect to the hosting service sites);
CLAIM / complaint (claim);
Conference call type;
Recovery (with respect to data recovery);
Transfer (with respect to financial transactions);
Gas / electricity;
Class (education);
Cord blood (cord).

With the recent financial crisis in the United States, it scares me that the first items are related to credit or loan. And Google charges very expensive to place ads on search pages related to the subject. The keywords 'cheaper loans for homeowners' (cheapest homeowner loans) can cost the advertiser nothing less than $ 50 per click made on the ad. Too much!

I had always heard that Americans like to use the justice system itself. The neighbor's dog barks incessantly? Process it. Somebody looked crooked on the street? Process too! Results of this are two words that relate to the defense in front of a judge - or the guy who will just accuse you before the magistrate.

Prices paid by the terms are high in certain industries are huge because the companies can afford to pay much to acquire a new customer. Makes sense. And Google has sort of a customer like that.