Saturday, July 16, 2011

Exodus: application invite all your friends from Facebook to Google +

Google + completed two weeks of life, but that little time was enough to hold the name of the new social network with some controversies involving Facebook. By my count, at least two Facebook applications have been blocked just because his friends promised to import to Google +. Behold, today I discovered a third, which uses a different method but has the same ultimate goal.

The application was created by the duo of American programmers Albert Nichols and Jack Carter and is called (hold your laughter - or not) Exodus. What he does is genius: instead of exporting the data as an e-mail address and name of your Facebook friends and then be imported into Google +, the site will simply capture your friends list entirely and invites them to Google + using the address @ Simple as that.

Thus your Facebook friends receive the invitation to migrate to Google + direct in your inbox messages. And if other friends of them use the Exodus, these messages will not be taking up space, they just come on the same topic and accumulate on one another.

The only downside is that those who have not migrated to the new system of personalized URLs Facebook will not receive invitations. But the pair will probably try to pass that barrier at some point in the future. And if they can before they are blocked by Facebook, even better.

Update at 18:53 | After a long debate + Google about how the application works, I decided to contact its creators to take some questions.

Albert replied saying that the site sends an e-mail username @ facebook invitation containing a link to Google + standard. Then the person who receives this message will not know it came from you. "We just create it as a way to send a lot of invitations to their friends," said Albert.