Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Importance of Social Media Site Digg!

You know what is Digg? Digg is a social network created in December 2004, the United States, aiming to expand Internet content. In Brazil it is not widespread, but it makes too much noise outside.

The site is the sharing of various types of materials published on the Internet. Segregated by subject, the user can enter text and links of general interest or specific. In addition to including updates, anyone who has an account on Digg also votes on issues posted, according to their relevance, making a ranking of the most clicked links.

Digg The term comes from the verb 'to dig', which in English means digging. According to Kevin Rose, one of the creators of the site, this name is exactly the allusion to the action that users have. "They are able to 'dig' the stories to the first page, from which they were presented" she says.

The site has a simple layout and straightforward, with the latest news posted in the spotlight, and the right side, the list of top rated. At the top are the subject of options, such as Technology, Science, Games, Sports, pictures, videos, and more.

Being completely in English and most of its users are Americans, much of the content refers to the United States, or is written in English, which makes the interest of Brazilians, for example. But for those who master the language, is a good option to keep updated and informed about what happens in the virtual world.

Digg Effect

Being an expansion site content, Digg concerned, sometimes called the Digg Effect.

If the link to a page is posted and voted too, means that a large number of people visited that link. However, if the page going to have millions of hits at once overloads the service, which has to respond simultaneously to all, being very slow or even temporarily unavailable.

Digg with Facebook

From Facebook, the social networking world's most famous, the user can connect to Digg. Thus, each time it includes something on Digg, a publication may appear on your Facebook wall, with just one click. It's a way to publicize the content displayed on site.

Today, Social Media represents more than simple interaction of people. "Social Media is the reporting of all for all. Prior, who held the media, held power. That has changed! Now everyone can produce and receive information over the largest communication network on the planet: the Internet. 'Media' is the means and 'Social' is relationships. Warning: do not confuse the 'Social' with the 'social' social responsibility, which in this case is something else.