Tuesday, May 31, 2011

VoIP breaks record for use in the U.S.

Data from a survey organized by the company show that the Pew Internet telephony services on the web are already part of everyday life for most Americans. The figures show that currently 24% of seafarers - equivalent to 19% of all U.S. adult population - are users of VoIP services, and that 5% of U.S. residents make connections from the system every day.

In the latest survey by the Pew type, as far back as 2007, only 8% of Internet users - or 6% of the U.S. adult population - were adept at voice over IP services like Skype and the like. The figures show that the service has conquered especially among people with higher income and education who live in urban areas. Also they have the accession of 27% of Hispanics, compared with 21% popularity with between whites and blacks.

Among the reasons that make the system be so popular, few surprises: the majority of respondents claimed that they are "cheaper", "enhance the integration between various devices (like computers, smartphones and tablets), " easier for videoconferences and that "more friends and family are using similar services. "