Friday, January 7, 2011

Wordpress Blogs Generated 23 Billion Pageviews Previous Year

As Internet and Social Networking Website got great growth last year the Blogging also continued to grown. Millions of New blogs came into existence. Famous Blogging services like Wordpress and Blogger also got massive growth and many new blogs where made on these services. According to report of Mashable the Wordpress Blogging service got more than 23 Billion Pageviews in the last year 2010.

6 Million new blogs where registered on Wordpress in 2010 while its blogs got 23 Billion Views online which where 53% more as compare to previous year than that 2009. this has also increased the profit of the company very much.  Wordpress earns $1 Million from the Paid hosting services that they provide. If you want to get a free blog at Wordpress Click Here.