Sunday, February 6, 2011

PTCL Broadband Internet Now Available In Less Rates in Pakistan

If you are a Pakistan you must have known about PTCL that is the biggest Telecommunication Company of Pakistan. PTCL Broadband Internet is also the Cheapest and best Internet service available in Pakistan. This is the reason it has millions of users all over Pakistan that are expanding rapidly. PTCL Broadband is trying to reach more and more cities of Pakistan with time. To get as much as possible Users PTCL is bringing new Packages on lower rates for the Users.

Earlier this week PTCL has brought a new Broadband Internet Package. You can now go from your 1 MBPS Connection to 2 MBPS Connection by simply paying 400 RS extra which means that now you can get 2 MBPS speed in just 1400 RS. For the first three months you will only have to pay 1000 RS and later on 1400 RS for 2 MBPS Speed monthly.