Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter goes down on Thursday

For half an hour Twitter went offline and never return. Users through Facebook asking what happens in the 140-character microblog?. Meanwhile, the only information have been released on the status page of the service and is not exactly good: all the Twitter APIs are failing.

The APIs are the structures that Twitter works. Applications and meets the official website as well as third-party applications that rely on these structures to access resources to which users expect - for example, sending DMs or access to particulars.

Twitter offline
Seven publicly listed by the Twitter API, five passes for "service interruption": identification of friends, favorites, search, timeline on the home page and what they call "users / show." The API "stream" is to "performance issues" and "userstream" listed as "operating normally".

We did a traceroute test to determine if the server had stopped responding. To our surprise, the machine can connect to the Twitter server. Still, the site does not respond.

This morning Google Talk, Google's IM service, had flaws and remained unusable for a few hours. Currently the service operates normally.