Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter will launch tool that exports user tweets

A new Twitter tool will allow users to download their old tweets. The announcement was made to The New York Times on Monday (23) by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter. The feature is already present in services like Google, which releases some of the user account data in a compressed file through the Data Liberation your project, created to facilitate the migration of information from one service to another.

Currently the Twitter timeline released for viewing on the user only a few thousand tweets. Thus, if you're longing of the messages published four years ago on Twitter, you can not view them unless you have previously Favorited tweets or use third party services such as oldtweets, a search engine that finds tweets published on the first year of life than Twitter in 2006.

Even without allowing for easy access to your old tweets, Twitter saves with care all that you have already published. These precious messages can be recalled soon, depending on the CEO. "We are working on a tool that will allow users to export all your tweets," said Costolo. "You can download a file with them," he added.

Access to older tweets by others should continue still a bit difficult, however. Unlike Facebook, which features a timeline with easy access to all content you've published the service, with room for months and years, the Twitter implementation of this feature should not come so soon to be quite complex. "You can not just put three engineers on it," said the CEO.

While confirming the development of export tool tweets, Dick Costolo gave no details of when it will be available to users.