Friday, May 13, 2011

Facebook Enables Authentication to Increase Security by Phone

Because it is a social network widely used around the world, Facebook members are constant targets of phishing scams and theft of sensitive information. For this and other reasons, the network accounts are hacked all the time. To try to reduce the occurrence of this problem, the network decided to increase its social security scheme and implemented an authentication via cell phone very similar to that created by Google for some time.

The settlement announced yesterday by Facebook, however, is somewhat less elegant than Google, which uses a mobile application for IOS, BlackBerry, or Android. Called Login Approvals (approval of logging in good Portuguese), the system sends an SMS with confirmation code for the phone account.

With the code inserted in the page, the phone and confirmed he is to be used as a means of authentication each time a user logs on to the site from an unauthorized computer. If you device is lost, access can only be done on a computer that was previously authorized on your account, so there's not much to worry about.

To activate the Login Approvals, just go to Account, Account Settings, Security, and tick the Login Approvals.