Friday, May 13, 2011

PS3 owners are tired of waiting to buy PSN and Xbox

PSN this week entered its third week off, while Sony goes back all the servers, reprograms the entire code of your network and hire someone better than a pair of zombies to take care of security. The company has not yet given a date for the return, but it seems that British gamers are not really into waiting. The game stores have noticed a considerable increase in the return of the island lately.

Who says this is a pair of executives from two large chain stores games UK, which revealed the information to the Edge magazine on condition of anonymity. They say the last three weeks the rate of return of PS3 increased 200%, and also claiming that half the players who returned the island preferred to get an Xbox 360 rather than money.

Tom Mestdagh, Belgian Gameswap responsible for the shop and did not care to speak plainly, confirmed the effect on its franchise and has said the main reason for the change were two FPS games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Black Ops. Both are available on the platform of both Sony and Microsoft. Mestdagh ensures that in all exchanges of PS3 for Xbox 360 that his store has accomplished so far, one of the games was involved.