Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hotmail to bring Plenty of New Features

I have a great News for all the users of famous Email Service Hotmail that is owned by Microsoft that Hotmail is going to get many new features very soon. You will be watching large number of changes and cool new features very soon in your Hotmail accounts. Hotmail has not only tried to improve its existing features but decided to bring plenty of new features as well.

Some of the new features that Hotmail is going to bring are following.
1 Feature of Sweep.
2 Feature of Slideshows that is for incoming and outgoing attached Photos.
3 Feature of Exchange Support.
4 Feature of Officer web applications.
5 Feature of playing videos in your Hotmail Inbox.
6 Feature of even better Filtering options

Hotmail is also bringing many other cool features as well. I am getting Crazy to enjoy these cool new features. I hope that my post was useful for all the readers.