Friday, September 2, 2011

Gmail Offline: To access the email when you have no connection

You'll never be able to claim that there is no way to access your mail when you are without internet connection. Google today introduced the new iteration Offline Gmail, which now emerges as a free app for Chrome that, once installed, it synchronizes messages and lets you write and save the emails that are sent only when the connection back. It's about time!

Offline Gmail works much like the Gmail interface for tablets. The development team used the webmail acquired extensive knowledge building software using the HTML5 iPad and tablets running Android to create this application. It was really good.

According to the web giant, the great advantage of using web app is that you can access your information at any time. Based on the HTML5, the application has access to a larger space to store your content. And so it is easy to keep track of conversations to that moment when the stewardess tells off the electronics - when you can turn on the notebook, the 3G signal or Wi-Fi likely has been lost, but their messages are still there thanks to the Offline cache provided by Google.

Once that was done over the tablets to Gmail, Gmail Offline jarring enough of the the new interface that Google recently released for your email service. The sources used are larger, and basically we have are two columns. A present for the talks, and another to display the messages themselves. I do not think it takes nothing more than that in an environment that has no internet connection (Gmail chat, for example, is unnecessary in this scenario, the same goes for the top bar, full-featured inaccessible Google ).

"The world today does not slow and is always a good feeling to be productive from anywhere, from any device, at any time," Google says. The company also says that Gmail Offline is a way to push the limits and boundaries of modern browsers. How true.

I'm using Gmail Offline connection even with a 10 Mega. Above all, what I like is the simplicity in the application by presenting the features of email services. The focus is exclusively on the messages, without excessive resources. When I need something more complex, just open another tab in Chrome and access the normal page of Gmail.

Gmail Offline is in Beta stage. Works with both Gmail itself and webmail based on Google Apps, Google offers a series of flavors and prices. The first time you open the web app will have to give permission for Gmail Offline save information on your computer (recommended only if the PC is exclusively yours).

One thing that does not work in web app: drag and drop images to include in the email body. Do not even try. Too bad.

The application promises to use Google Docs and Calendar very soon.

Should remember that the Google mail has had an offline mode that depended on the Gears technology. This technology was discontinued because it was owned by Google, and the company chose to develop something with open standards.