Sunday, September 18, 2011

Google now reads Google's photo gallery

The application for Googles Android won the update to version 1.6 a feature that makes the app much more useful and easy to use: take a picture, save it and when you want, open the app to crawl the content of the photo by Google. Before, this was only possible to tracking taking photos within the app.

Google lets you see objects in photos and information from almost any existing thing. For this, it sends this file to Google's servers and it provides the user with other similar photographs of the same traits sent, returning relevant information, for example, a site or board on which you are looking for information.

The same can apply to local restaurants, museums, cities, or even landscapes. Now, in this version 1.6, the app is also integrated with the cameras on Android smartphones - that is, no need to access the application to take the picture and get information. It will work automatically: when the user take a picture, the application will access Google's servers and will scan as soon offering the results.

If there is any detection of elements like images, you will be notified instantly by the application. However, please note that this is a service that the user chooses whether to keep on or not. To activate, simply enter the menu and select Google Googles "search from the camera."

Version 1.6 is now available and can be downloaded here. It works on devices with Android 2.1 or later.