Sunday, September 18, 2011

The two characters that break the Google search

A programmer named Rob Coenen eventually discovered yesterday that there is even a character string capable of breaking Google, but does not contain lyrics. This is the sequence $ {.

Apparently if you search for these two characters in any version of Google, whether mobile or desktop, the search results page not only will not display any link (does anyone ever typed these two characters together on the web?) But will be distorted in some browsers. I tested both Firefox and Chrome as in this screen appeared in both.

The technical explanation of why this bug happens has not been discovered, but there are discussions going on on that page and this one and I will not even pretend to understand. It involves luck and a whole JavaScript code that is open all at once, can give the impression that you're in the Matrix.

I will take the Google Developer Day is happening and ask for our correspondent Thássius Veloso Google search for any developer to answer this important question.