Thursday, November 24, 2011

Facebook chat program for Windows is under test

One of the features of Facebook is to allow its members to talk using the integrated chat, which is available not only the site but also through their own applications on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Apparently, the next platform that will gain a dedicated client chat site is Microsoft's Windows 7 specifically.

The screenshot was found in this help article about the program, which appeared yesterday when Facebook began testing it with a small group of users. According to the article, the client Facebook chat works only on Windows 7 as well and includes the chat function, a news ticker and also a side bar that warns notifications of events in real time.

With 800 million registered users, Facebook definitely has an audience large enough to motivate the creation of a dedicated client chat in Windows. And they probably chose that track 7 by everyone and they know that this is the most used among the users. But whether the adoption of the program when it becomes available will also justify the creation for other operating systems or via the chat website will be enough.