Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Google experiencing search without the button "I'm Feeling Lucky"

Google is always experimenting with new features that modify some aspect of your search. After all before making it available worldwide for its millions of users, it is good to test with a small group of people to know if it will work or not. So it was with Instant Search, which is restricted to logged in users. Now it seems that Google will try a search with no luck.

The Google homepage has always had a button "I'm Feeling Lucky" that automatically redirects the user to first search engine results page link for what he sought. Now the company is testing a modified it, removing the button "I'm Feeling Lucky" button and changing the search for an image of a blue button with a magnifying glass, nothing more.

According to the Dutch site WebSonic images, which first saw the changes in the Dutch version of the seeker, the results page was also changed and began to show the URL under the name of the page without descriptions.

The change seems to be inspired by Bing and it makes sense if you think by clicking the "I'm Feeling Lucky", the user will not even see the results page where Google displays ads. But the company itself has said in the past that many users who click this button, then this experiment may never see the light of day in the end.