The Digital Photography School blog has prepared a short list with 18 keyboard shortcuts that in the opinion of the author are essential when it comes to working with Photoshop. Because this is a very complete software and resourceful, it is easy to lose too much time time to access and / or configure certain tools.
Using shortcut keys in Photoshop provide increased productivity and a considerable saving of time. Below is a selection of shortcuts that I use, included some cited in the Digital Photography School:
H: Hand (Hand Tool).
D: Restores the original color palette.
B: Brush (Brush Tool).
F: Press once, the menu bar disappears, and it is possible to move the field of work beyond the corner. Pressing twice Photoshop adjusts the computer screen, and background of the program (before gray) is black.
Ctrl +: Zoom In
Ctrl -: Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0 (Zero): Adjusts the image to the screen.
Ctrl + Z: Undo the last change. If pressed twice, the image returns to the starting point, that is, as it was before using the shortcut.
Ctrl + Alt + Z: Undo the changes continuously.
Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo undone changes.
Tab: Hides / shows all open palettes and menus. Great for a quick visualization in full screen!
[: Decreases the size of the brush.
]: Increases the size of the brush.
Shift + [: decreases the hardness (Softness) of the brush.
Shift +]: Increases the hardness of the brush.
0 ~ 9: Increase or decrease the opacity of the tool being used, or layer. Combine the numbers to get exact values. Ex: only by pressing the number 4, the opacity will be 40%. However, if you press the numbers 4 and 3, the opacity will be 43%.
Shift + 0 ~ 9: Increase or decrease the filling of the tool being used, or layer.
Ctrl + Tab: In Firefox, this opens the next tab. In the Photoshop, if you have multiple files open at the same time, this command will bring to the next stage.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N: Create a new layer immediately without displaying dialog boxes.
Ctrl + L: Levels (Levels).
Ctrl + Alt + L: Open the tool levels with the last setting used.
Ctrl + B: Color Balance.
Ctrl + Alt + B: Opens the color balance tool with the last setting used.
Ctrl + U: Ferrara Hue / Saturation.
Ctrl + Shift + U: Remove saturation (makes the image black and white).
You can also create your own shortcuts to the program without the aid of any plugin! To do this, type Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K, browse the menu and enter your desired custom shortcut. If you choose to do so, remember to save your new shortcuts by clicking the "disquetinho." This will serve as a backup in case you need to reformat your PC.
While you're there to see this same window, all the shortcuts available in Photoshop!
Ps: I used Photoshop CS logo to illustrate the post, because some of the shortcuts only work cited from this version.