Friday, July 1, 2011

Office Got Integration of Skype: it may, who knows?

When you pay almost $ 10 billion for a product or service, the minimum that shareholders expect a reversal of this investment is the dividend for the company. And while U.S. regulators have not yet given the OK to the purchase of Skype, Microsoft already knows where to place the service: in Office, its suite of productivity.

The president of the corporate business of MS talked to the Seattle Times and said a major doubt anyone following the recent steps the company: what it will do with Skype? Now, 365 will integrate with Office, a productivity solution based on the cloud that Microsoft recently released - and that is not available in the Brazilian market.

Among the features of Office 365 is Lync, a corporate instant messaging. DelBene says, the executive in question: "The ability to connect users to Lync Skype is a great opportunity for us." Really!

Little by little, Microsoft could replace Lync Skype to offer users even more features into a single application. Maybe even integrate it directly to the menus of Office / Office 365.

I have no doubt that Skype and possibly integrated with Office online services for Microsoft would be very handy for users. And you, what you think about it? I am sure this may be the worst nightmare for some readers.