Friday, January 27, 2012

App Inventor wins hands open source version of the MIT

Recently discontinued by Google, App Inventor soon have new home at MIT. And what's better: will be open source, allowing developers to contribute to the tool.

Created from a partnership between Google and MIT, App Inventor was a tool to create Android applications quickly and easily, just dragging components onto the layout area. Unfortunately, the App Inventor eventually discontinued by Google, leaving it with many beginning developers without having a starting point to begin developing for Android.

However, MIT came to the rescue and is already preparing a version of App Inventor, this time under an open source license. The strategy is not only to allow the code of App Inventor is updated by the community, but that other educational institutions and businesses to create their own versions of the system.

Importantly, this first moment App Inventor Edu MIT will not be open to developers. The official justification is that "we do not want to distract developers from MIT in its efforts to complete and launch large-scale public servant." All right then.