Friday, January 27, 2012

Large solar storm hits the Earth this week

The largest solar flare since 2005 should hit Earth this week with strong electromagnetic radiation. The claim was first made by the airline Delta Airlines and monitored by scientists and scholars.

The company has changed its flights in the polar regions to the south routes as possible to conventional airway, after having realized more cargo of solar radiation reaching the earth in that region.

In the case of poles Radiation causes the beautiful images of the aurora borealis, but the biggest fear is that the solar storm could interfere with the comunciação on the planet, damage satellites and cause more serious problems with power grids in the northern hemisphere.

The event began last Sunday and was caused by a very specific eruption that occurred near the center of the Sun, said Doug Biesecker, a physicist at NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center).

"The rash itself is not spectacular, but in this case a strong coronal mass ejection travels at an average of 6.5 million kilometers per hour" in our direction - concludes.

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is the expulsion of material from the solar corona. What is the Sun ejects the phenomenon is basically matter and plasma, primarily protons and electrons, with small amounts of heavier materials such as helium, oxygen and iron.

Beautiful Aurora Borealis, North Pole
The phenomenon releases strong electromagnetic charges and so EMC is the largest, most obvious is the potential for damage. The ejection began last Sunday and scientists hope it will continue to reach us until the end of tonight, no later than the morning of Thursday (26).

The reason for this is that the entire volume of space between us and Jupiter, for example, is filled with protons and we can not "just get rid of them so easy", says Biesecker.

NOAA classifies two higher levels of electromagnetic radiation in such storms, severe and critical. This is the strongest of the other one occurred in May 2005, where the mass of radiation (as protons) traveled to more than 149 million miles per hour toward earth.

Most scientists are aware, but the phenomenon observed in a non-alarmed, without worrying too much.

It is an important phenomenon of great importance to science, but for those who expect an exaggerated encounter with a Mayan shaman or frightened gazelles with natural tanning and iPhones duds, everyone stay calm. Everything will be alright.