Sunday, January 8, 2012

Microsoft should release Linux on Windows Azure

Microsoft is about to change their policies to a Windows Azure, a platform to run applications in the cloud making the most of the so-called cloud computing. According to Mary Jo Foley, a journalist specializing in covering the world from the windows will soon service subscribers will also run within the Linux platform.

Under study is the release of persistent virtual machines capable of running Linux distribution. At first glance, the news may bring surprise to observers of MSFT in the IT market. However, it is not today that the company says it invests in the development of free software and community around Linux.

Azure: pay (in dollars) for what you use
You are expected to arrive during the autumn in the Northern Hemisphere the first test version of the VM running Linux. In accord with Mary Jo, of MSFT idea is to develop an environment in which customers can run their Linux applications without having to redo some work to conform to the specifications of the Azure - the platform has its own SDK and APIs.

When the VM version is complete, it will update to users according to their needs. While there is more information on the subject, much less about what exactly the Linux MSFT Azure and will use the customer set that will fit according to your taste. It does not matter much because, since we are talking about persistent VMs, the computer is constantly adjusted according to what the client wants.

I asked the folks at Microsoft was sure to compare Brazil to Windows Azure with Amazon EC2, Amazon's platform for running systems. Not yet got an answer. According to Mary Jo, but gives a comparison, and Amazon is ahead in terms of resources by allowing customers to run Windows, SQL Server or Linux from the platform.

Speaking of SQL Server, the technology can run on Windows Azure and SharePoint, Virtual Server MSFT developed especially for enterprise applications. Today, to my knowledge, companies can run on a SharePoint server itself or on Microsoft's cloud, but in a controlled environment by MSFT. With Azure, SharePoint would be in the cloud of MSFT, but controlled by the client.

Windows Azure works best scheme in the "pay as you go", the same adopted recently by the arrival of Amazon AWS Amazon in Brazil. Prices for the Brazilian market are presented in U.S. dollars.