Friday, January 27, 2012

Google+ Doors are open for teens

In an interesting change of strategy, Google announced today that teenagers - before Google+ banned from entering because of age - may participate in the social network. The move came nearly seven months after the official launch in June last year, and was accompanied by some well-deserved security warnings about privacy and information sharing.

Justin Bieber may have a Google account + now.
From now who are 13 years or more and have a Google account can now create a Google Profile + if you want, just log in and fill in your data. Since the launch of Google + this has been one of the most criticized, something that did not make much sense if you remember that on orkut that the minimum age to create a profile is also 13.

Allied to this, Bredley Horowitz, Google's co-director of the +, also announced the launch of a security center (in English only for now) specifically for the younger audience, which is known more than he should share in any social network. The site will not only teach beginners how their parents or guardians to deal with information sharing on the network and how to use it so that no one take any risks.