Sunday, October 14, 2012

Google and Apple spend more on war of patent than search

The numerous wars are fought for patents in recent years.  giants like Apple and Google for the first time spent more money on lawyers than on research and development of new products. So says the New York Times this week, which says that patents are being used as "weapons of mass destruction."

The newspaper says that $ 20 billion was spent in the last two years only in cases involving patents related to smartphones - "the same as the Curiosity mission to Mars." In 2006, Apple was sued by a Korean company called Creative Technology for records of a portable media player released months before the first iPod in 2001. Reluctantly, the apple company agreed to pay a $ 100 million agreement to its rival, while their lawyers received guidance from guru and CEO Steve Jobs' from now going patenting everything. "

Thus, in the last 10 years the company managed apple 4100 patents, 2700 against Google and Microsoft's 21,000, while 3260 lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. alone among tech companies - from giants to patent trolls.

"It's complete chaos," says Richard Posner, a judge of a court of appeals that helped form the current patent law. "The standards to ensure patents are very vague," he says. "If you give the same patent examiners to 10 you will get 10 different results," says Ray Persino, patent lawyer who worked at the Central Office of Patents, 2005 between 98.

Large and small businesses may be harmed by the account records. Unlike other patent rights over software ensures rights concepts, they do not need to be exactly work patented recipe for crooks looking for easy money.

But that could change. "So if someone has a patent bad? "Says Jay Kesan, professor of law at the University of Illinois. "You can just ask someone to rescan to invalidate the record," he explains. Other efforts are being made by a group of small businesses that are struggling since 2007 in the U.S. Congress that the law of patents on software is reviewed. But for now this war has no end date.