Friday, September 2, 2011

Apple wants its prototype 3G MacBook returned back

Just over two weeks a supposed prototype of MacBook equipped with an antenna and a 3G SIM card slot showed up at an auction on eBay.

And, hey, it was apparently true (confirming the company's recent tradition of apple losing prototypes of their products out there) since the CNET says that Apple contacted the owner of the machine asking your computer back.

According to the website, the errant computer is currently held by a guy named Carl Frega, a resident of the state of North Carolina, who says he bought the broken from an advertisement on Craigslist.

After a brief service the computer back to life again and Frega sold through the classifieds site. Weeks later the machine showed up at a Genius Bar featuring a series of problems and their repair was refused because the computer "used a variety of third-party components," including the motherboard, optical drive and screen.

To avoid what would be a small battle with the new owner, who thought the computer was false, Frege took the computer back and then announced it on eBay.

The 3G MacBook can come to receive bids in the amount of $ 70,000 before having your auction stopped by Apple because of "copyright infringement". And this week Frega says he was contacted by Apple, you're asking the computer back - apparently not entitled to a penny.