Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Zune HD Is Dead?

Sign in multimedia player market is not something that any company can do. A company like Microsoft, for example, has millions and millions of dollars to market research and product development can afford it. That's what the company did with the Zune media player launched in 2006 to combat the dominance of the iPod. Today, Microsoft appears to have officially given up on this player, once and for all.

The WinRumors noticed just now that any reference to the Zune HD, the last line of Zune player which was still sold, completely disappeared from the official site. Now the page refers only to devices that can play and buy content from the Zune Marketplace, as devices with Windows 7 Phone, Xbox 360 and Windows PC computers.

Microsoft has not officially confirmed the death of the Zune HD, but appears to be only a matter of time. And although the line of players with the Zune brand is dead, the Zune service will continue to be offered by the company, as the page indicates.

Few people know but the interface tiles Phone Windows 7, which had demonstrated its first release in February 2010, was certainly inspired by the interface of the Zune HD, launched in November 2009. So in a way the Zune HD will continue living inside the cell, even after his death.

Update at 16:01 | As the reader pointed out in comments @ Garcian, the Zune HD is back to the site. The change, according to what Microsoft told Gizmodo, it was only a "publishing error." Time to save the confetti, fireworks and postpone the party store for the mass of the seventh day.