Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Microsoft will profit $ 444 million From Android

Goldman Sachs estimates indicate that Microsoft will gain about $ 444 million from the sale of mobile devices in 2012. This would be a figure well below expectations if we were talking about Windows Phone Windows 7 and 8 for the tablets which should hit stores until next year. But MS should raise this money, who would say, with sales of Android-equipped devices.

Last week Microsoft signed a patent licensing agreement with Samsung, which would serve to avoid battles in the courts on behalf of Android. South Koreans agreed to pay between $ 3 and $ 6 for each MS to the Android handset sold, still according to estimates by Goldman Sachs. Before the deal to close this value was about $ 10, but none of the companies which confirms the correct figure.

Ballmer: happy with the contract
Once the MS-Samsung deal was announced, Google released a statement saying it was an "extortion." The HTC is another company that has agreed to pay a "protection fee" in exchange for the MS to dodge headaches.

Either way, this can be considered a partial victory for Microsoft. Although several of its divisions are profitable and healthy, the department responsible for mobile devices goes with little reason to celebrate as pathetic record sales and expects this agreement with Nokia to take off.