Saturday, August 20, 2011

Facebook Bug show you who you are most interested in

Here's one thing that probably few people know: Facebook uses a ranking system called EdgeRank you to determine which profiles more visit when surfing the social network. Thus the site can "learn" who your best friends and thus give you more accurate search results or to show more activity in their news feed. This ranking is not displayed to users, but a developer discovered that part of it can be accessed.

The person responsible for discovering this apparent bug Keeshin was Jeremy who was working on an application that uses components of social networking. The full explanation is in his blog in English, but basically he realized he could send a request to a data file that shows on Facebook and back pages of friends who visit you more.

To see this list, drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar, go to Facebook (without the HTTPS option turned on) and click on the link. Here's the list, ordered by who you visit to more below. It is an interesting way to know which of your friends you care about most. Or you most stalker straight face every day. My case is the first, obviously.

Whatever the reason, it is worth noting that this bookmarklet does not save your data, do not send information to one place and can stop working at any time, Facebook just plug the hole.