Friday, August 5, 2011

"Tablets are just a fad," says the founder of Acer

who the hell is Stan Shih, he is no more, no less, than a founder of Acer, the second largest computer maker in the world.

According to a statement published by Shih site DigiTimes, specializing in the technology industry in Asia, tablets and ultrabooks - Intel's platform for the development of tablet notebooks with features such as semi instant boot - is a "phenomenon of short term "and that the laptops and desktops will continue to be the basis of the technology industry for a long time.

In his view, Apple gave a lesson in thinking outside the box with the iPad: "That was an attitude that all other manufacturers should follow," he added.

Although the tablets do not believe that one day will be one of the pillars of the technology industry, the site adds that Acer is ready to launch a new tablet with 7 inch screen which will land in stores for a precinho buddy, equivalent to R $ 550.