Saturday, August 20, 2011

Small touches in the Google search

The weekly news to Google were few but important. The company's focus this time was the search engine, which underwent a slight remodeled in displaying their results. If the goal of Google is to offer all the world's information with just one click, the sub-goal is to display this information in a pleasant and convenient. They worked on it for the launch of the last days.

The first concerns the "Sitelinks". Explain what is this first: when you search for something more obvious, it is likely that entire sites are identified as search results. For these cases, Google breaks down the site and displays its various sections below.

Previously the space available to describe the sitelinks was smaller. Now is greater and the number of sitelinks presented also increased. Sitelinks can be up to 12 for the same site. If the subject search for 'tecnoblog' into Google, you will find links to the publishing of "Cellular and Mobile Devices" or "Hardware and Accessories" as well as to our forum.

Google Sitelinks: more and better
Another novelty is the Google snippet special music. Snippets are the ways that Google has to describe the information that the user will find when accessing the particular page. With the change, it becomes easier to identify music content in thousands of pages displayed as results.

Google: audio snippet special
When searching for a musical group that maintains MySpace page (anyone remember that social networking), Google shows below the main item to a list the songs at this site. The duration of the song and album name in which it appears are also shown. And of course, a musical note icon that notifies you that there is audio. Clicking on the link that designates the name of the song, the user is taken to the page where you can hear the song immediately.

They are small changes, but that extend the user experience more complete within Google.