Friday, August 5, 2011

New Alt + Tab in Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 (video)

Continuing with the release cycle for testing, Canonical has released the new alpha version of Ubuntu 11.10. And what's new? Unfortunately few, but they are interesting!

Besides the classic bug fixes (and creating new, since we're talking about a trial version), Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 brings a new browser application by Alt + Tab, as can be seen in the video below.

(YouTube Video)

In addition, we also have a new version of Gwibber, and update program to access various social networks like twitter, facebook, flickr and even, you see. The new version brings changes in the layout, performance improvements and also new animations navigate between screens. In the video below you can see some of the changes.

(YouTube Video)

  For all the changes available in Alpha 3, you can access the Wiki from Canonical. You can download the Alpha 3 can be done on the Ubuntu web site, or, if you like excitement and living on the edge, you can upgrade your Ubuntu 4.11 Alpha 3 for pressing Alt + F2 and typing the command "update-manager-d ".

But, as always remember, do not do it in production environments or installations that you use in day-to-day. Alpha and beta versions of operating systems are unstable and buggy, poorly executed and a command can open portals to other dimensions. Use only for testing, know the news, and to report bugs in the system.

And until the 1st of September, when we have the first Beta system!