Friday, August 5, 2011

Google Docs gets new look

Google Docs is the newest service of giant's Mountain View undergoing a redesign. Its interface has been completely modified, this time to comply with the same style that first came to Google Calendar (Calendar or as you prefer) and Gmail in previous weeks. As you can see in the image, the designers are doing Google + school there at the Googleplex, the company's office complex in the United States.

Explaining the redesign, says that Google is working to provide a "web experience improved and consistent" across all its products. Since web applications gives the Docs greatly appreciated, as the editor, one would expect that sooner or later, the change also came to this group of services.

To test the new look of Docs just click "Try the new interface" option that appears next to the search tool integrated into the homepage of the service. Google Docs will reload, this time with the latest look on.

One of the complaints of those who test the new interface of Google products (including my complaint) is the height of the items, which seems larger than necessary. As with the new Gmail, the user can adjust the Docs to display items with the smallest width of the lines. Go to settings and check "Use denser view" (use visualization denser in free translation). Thus, you can see more items in the same screen.

The change for now speaks only to the homepage of Google Docs. If you expect to see a revamped interface of Google products on the web apps themselves, will still have to wait a bit, because they continue with the same look that we already know.

The new design was not released Google Docs to Google Apps users - modality in which Google services are used by corporate groups.

If I liked? Well, I'm not a designer, so I have no feedback to speak of the professional point of view of the thing. As a user, I keep wondering adopted the new interface in Google products. I think that more still missing mainly shades of color in the palette approved by the company.