Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Google+ gets new interface finally

Google said today in an official blog post on what they say is a version of "more functional and flexible" Google +. The new service interface seems to focus on navigation and sharing items in Google products on the web and also brings more options for customizing the user experience. The video below shows some of the major changes that should be available to all members as of next week, Google said.

The main change is in the navigation icons. Before arranged at the top of the service, are now on the left side, in what Google calls "range navigation." The order of them can also be easily changed by simply clicking and dragging the icons wherever they stop or hide some of them in a section called "More." Leave your mouse on the icon will show fast actions that can be performed on each.

The right side was occupied by a list of items that are the network trends, tips and more to the right, the field chat, which was previously detached from the main page.

Page won a hangouts for enhanced interface and must also show the recent calls, the public and popular hangouts.

Lastly but not least is the change in the profile page of Google users +. The profile photo is now on the left, near the chat area, and underneath are listed information about that member, as the place where he works, where he lives and which schools he attended.

Constant change is one of the things that Google said it would be very strong on Google +. So an interface change is not something to amaze and if you look well copy it in some familiar elements of Facebook and Twitter. The question is whether this change will bring more traction to the network and cause it to be used more ouvai remain only the social layer that Google has forced down the throats of its users.

As always, the new interface will be applied to all users of Google + over the next few days. If you have not yet, wait until it will appear shortly.