Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Windows 8 will change language at any time

I have no doubt that Microsoft is committed to making Windows 8 (name officially confirmed today) the best operating system that exists for most users. It depends on the business of it. So it is with some satisfaction that I see that the company has simplified everything by launching only two SKUs (or versions of products) for consumers to choose. And at least one more information, confirmed today, promises to simplify our lives.

In announcing that Windows 8 will have three versions (PC or two tablets and one for ARM chips), the company also released the list of features that are present in these systems. To our joy, on this list change language "on-the-fly" both in traditional and in Windows 8 Pro or RT.

This means that something has always been available on Mac OS and Ubuntu (just to name the two systems with which I am most familiar) finally comes to Windows all versions. Whether you are a poor Windows user or eight traditional owner of a rich Windows 8 Pro, you can change the language of your machine when you want.

As the reader Felipe Zorzo points, the feature works by means of an integrated control panel with all the languages ​​that the user chose. When adding a new one, it is downloaded the language pack format and can be activated at any time. The MS is not clear if the PC must be restarted to use another language.

We do not have more details on this function, as well as the complete list of features in Windows 8. But MS gave the clue: the exchange of language work through the Language Packs or language packs. They exist today - it's not surprising - but the scope is of another order.

To me it should be the default option to change the system language. Appeal of the most basic. But only for those who have Windows 7 Ultimate (or Enterprise) when we talk about the most current version of the operating system. That is, an option only for those who own high-end version of Windows. The most expensive and therefore not widely used.

This ends up with Windows 8. Everyone will have the chance to change the language, are users of Windows 8 or Windows Pro 8

He was cousin who is visiting you can use Windows in German if you wish not to lose the experience of using the computer in their mother tongue. Ball inside Microsoft! (After much asking this feature, it is good to say)

Just do not ask me if the Language Packs are paid. I hope not.