Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Microsoft promises to dramatically speed up startup apps on smartphones

Your smartphone still takes several seconds to open games with spectacular graphics applications or heavier. To decrease the loading time of the software, the research division of Microsoft created the Falcon algorithm that collects data about user habits and allows for nearly instant startup of a program.

Complicated? Not so: the idea is quite simple. When enabled, the Falcon will discover what applications the user runs more depending on the time when the smartphone is being handled. The information collected will be used to pre-load the software into memory. So if you always wake up at around 7am in the morning and out of bed so open your favorite feed reader, the Falcon begin to pre-load the application in system memory moments before. Works like magic.

Play a lot of Monopoly in Windows Phone when connected to Wi-Fi network at home? The system can automatically load the game so you come home from work.

Using the GPS smartphone, the Falcon will also take into consideration the place where you are. He brushed his teeth, he left home, boarded the crowded subway and you're almost getting to work? The system load alone a calendar application or Foursquare in the background - after all, to check in at the office is always important. The feature is still a prototype, but it works well.

The Falcon is part of a larger project called Microsoft condos, which aims to improve the user experience of mobile device according to the context. The first public demonstration of the idea should occur during the MobiSys conference, held in the UK in late June.

In the official video, Microsoft demonstrated Windows Phone Falcon in a modified, but there is no forecast of when the time saver available to the end user.