Friday, June 17, 2011

Chrome can become the default browser on Ubuntu

Available for less than three years, the Chrome browser quickly gained a large market share, recognized as a browser fast, stable and simple to use. And that's exactly what he thinks the founder of Canonical, Mark Shuttleworth, who seriously considered putting the default browser in Ubuntu already 11:10. That did not happen, but can be different in future versions of the system.

In an interview with Network World site, Mark says, among other things, about his preference for Chrome and the motives that lead him to want the browser as default in Ubuntu. He said all the work that Google is making Chrome the OS (which is based on Linux) generates a huge positive impact on the performance of the browser when running on Linux.

That is, the exchange would have an Ubuntu browser much faster and probably better suited to the minimalist look of Unity. And, of course, who still prefer Firefox can simply download it using apt.

But wait, it can still take time to happen. The original plan was to make the switch on Ubuntu 11.10, but for various reasons it was not possible. Because the version of Ubuntu will be 12.04 LTS (Long Term Support - a version of "special" Ubuntu, where both companies and ordinary users have a longer period of support and upgrades from Canonical), it is likely that few dramatic changes to happen system.

That is, probably only see Chrome as default browser in use of Ubuntu in October 2012, when the 12:10 version is released. But who knows with any luck it does not stop happening before?