Saturday, June 25, 2011

Game of the week: Haunt the House

 Haunt the House is a fun game where you're a ghost and your goal is to drive some people who decided to do a party at his former home.

Yes, that simple. The controls are pretty simple: Move with the arrow keys (you can use WASD to be professional about it) and press the space bar to have some object. After owning the object, press a pad to do some trick and scare the residents of the house.

In the beginning you may have some small objects and do simple tricks, such as moving dolls and taps open, but the more scared people get, the greater the power you get. Can you have a BEAR. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Good, I'd jump out the window when he saw the first vessel moving ... so be careful not to scare the other person, you may win a fellow ghost. You never know what a person is capable of terrified. How long can you drive out 30 people in your house?

I've done in 32 minutes and killed two children (I swear it was unintentionally) and gave me rank A. It took me because I was writing this text, ok? (AHAM, Claudia)