Friday, June 17, 2011

Wii will not run U-disc DVD or Blu-ray

When buying an Xbox 360, you have the advantage of not having only one console as well as a DVD player with the PlayStation 3 this is repeated: the console not only plays DVDs but Blu-ray. But with Nintendo's a different story. The first Wii, although reading game discs with the same capacity of DVD discs, could not play DVD movies or series. And it seems that history will repeat itself with the Wii U.

During the question and answer session held after the presentation, Satoru Iwata, Nintendo's president, said that the next generation console, shown at E3 will not be able to play DVDs or Blu-ray, even if he is able to display images in high definition. So if you plan to buy the console to have the convenience of two devices in one, maybe better to redo the plans.

The first Wii could even run DVD movies without any problems, but only if the console firmware was modified by the homebrew. If history repeats itself as much as it seems to be repeating the Wii U can also gain the functionality to be a Blu-ray, but only in the hands of unofficial modifying the console.