Monday, June 13, 2011

Google shows the compatibility list in applications from Android Market

 Until now who needed to check if an application was compatible with your device in the Android store had to check the description before installing it. And also expect that the developer had remembered to put the devices in that it will not work. Otherwise, the chances of paying for an application and it does not work still existed.

Since the company has activated the feature remotely install applications through the Android Market Web can see the devices associated with a Google account. But there was a clear description of what programs could be installed in them or not. Now Google has added a feature on the Android Market that will facilitate this process.

When accessing an application on the web version of the online store, a user of Android will be able to see if your phone or tablet is compatible with the program before you buy it and download it. The list displays the device names and marks which will not work with the program.

This feature is not available, however, the stores within their own Android handsets. And even if there is already restricted by the layer system version, it is possible that Google will add more functionality to this to reduce the number of people seeking the return of the amount paid in the program because of incompatibility. Everything possible to avoid a headache on both sides.