Monday, June 13, 2011

Nintendo shares fall 10% in recent days

Since the presentation of ex-Café Project, current U Wii, Nintendo's conference at E3 2011, the company's president, Satoru Iwata, has seen a dramatic fall in shares, with a devaluation of 5.7% in one day and 5 2% the next day, just before reaching levels achieved in 2006 when the company was to launch the Nintendo Wii. He says he is shocked by the reaction of investors.

"Honestly speaking, the reaction of the presentation and what I heard from people I met and climate of the conversation in any manner not consistent with what happened to the stock market. It is very strange, "said Satoru Iwata to the news site Reuters.

He continued: "In the end, it is easy to get the wrong impression that it's just a game console with a tablet. The people who came to the presentation and tested, they understood very well that opens up many new possibilities. But people who have not experienced will find hard to believe that this control will change things. "

Despite the reaction of the president of Nintendo be to automatically assign stocks fell to the presentation of U Wii, which certainly can be part of the reaction of investors, the removal of resources before a company taking a risk is a very common movement market, aiming to protect their capital fluctuation.

Not only that, in addition to better explain the U Wii, the company failed to respond to the height of the PS Vita, not showing how it intends to make the Nintendo 3DS selling more than Sony's handheld, which will have a starting price competitive with the same weight and showed games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, while Nintendo 3DS just received a new Luigi's Mansion 2.