Friday, June 3, 2011

Rumor of the Day: IOS 5 will be fully integrated with Twitter

No one believed when Apple fired a statement on future releases during the WWDC, next week - if you're wondering: yes, we'll cover all the news here in TB! Now rumored that the five will receive a beautiful IOS update on its internal functions. All to be more social.

According to Robert Scoble, a guy who understands a lot of technology and wrote for various vehicles, Apple has adopted strongly Twitter the next version of IOS. He did not give many details about what you mean by a resource "deep" inside, but merely assert that we will discover on Monday when Steve Jobs takes the stage at the Moscone Center.
The blogger claims to have information about a work of integrating the IOS Twitter "for months". Kept quiet about it until now, however. And he also says we can expect something more than the integration of photo application on iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad with microblogging (which would come in handy, since this week Twitter announced a proper tool for uploading images).

Stranger in this story is Apple embrace a service that does not belong to him. If the company was following his usual philosophy to add new features, implement something connected with the Ping, the attempt to socialize the iTunes that did not work. And again, if you really want an IOS with social functions, Facebook should be the obvious choice and more accurate. After all, Mark Zuckerberg's social network is coming (or already arrived, depending on the source) to 700 million users.