Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Steve Jobs proposes the creation of new Apple-designed seat like a flying saucer

For some it is an unusual behavior. But for others, are flashes of genius. Anyway, Steve Jobs recently had another of his flashes, by proposing a giant hub in a ring, the former site which housed the headquarters of HP. Immediately after the WWDC keynote, Jobs stood in front of camera City of Cupertino to introduce Apple's plans for reform to the site.

Steve Jobs a far less emphatic than usual who spoke about his connection with the place, telling of his childhood experiences and his vision of how he thinks in developing the project. And, like all things that Apple tries to sell the design of the building is impressive, with an appearance that resembles an alien mothership. The building was designed to support approximately 12 000 employees.

During the explanation, Jobs told the board that Apple is seeking "major architects for the project, some of them" the best in the world, "to achieve the final result of the project. Jobs also said that there is a single flat piece of glass in the building, and that Apple was able to perform the project based on information obtained during construction of the Apple stores around the world, and experience using large pieces of Glass in other projects.

The building would have four floors, with underground parking, to preserve the natural beauty of the building. And although it seems large, the project will be reduced by 30% than it is now, and promises a change of only 20% of the current landscape of the site. The aim of Jobs with this project? Simple: the best office building in the world, and attract students of architecture from all over the United States to give the building in the city.

If approved by the Board of Cupertino, Apple plans to move to the new building in 2015. Below, a video excerpt of the speech to the Council Jobs.