Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Facebook changes the rules to enable face recognition

 This issue of online privacy walked half-forgotten, because Mark Zuckerberg was behaving. However, there is a report that Facebook is turning on features automatically tag photos so that more and more people through a facial recognition tool. The warning was made by security firm Sophos virtual.

The marking system of friends is not exactly a novelty in Facebook, there is time (and has been used in the wrong way, by the way). Now Facebook users want to accept that your photos are scanned and the people in it are identified automatically. To do so, Facebook has enabled the facial recognition on account of their users without telling them about it. In other words, the social network changes the rules of the game to their advantage.

The Tag Suggestions (ideas or tags, in good Portuguese) check people's faces in an image and checks if the same face was recorded in the database before Facebook. Tends to be quite useful - Apple's iPhoto has this capability - but something should be optional in a social network.

The Facebook itself acknowledges the complicated situation and says that "we should have been more clear to people during the release process when it [Tag Suggestions] was available to them." Even should.

One criticism of marking people in Facebook photos is that there is no option to not be marked in the images. The most you can do is, after being marked, access the photo in question and delete itself. Facebook also should review that decision.