Thursday, June 9, 2011

Windows Mobile 6.x: abandoned gradually

 All right, Windows  Phone 7 is not officially on any device sold in Brazil. The next system upgrade, called "Mango" also has a definite date to be released for download. Still, Microsoft is following betting all his chips in WP7. And in the mean time between today and future releases, the company will gradually turn off the remnants of Windows Mobile.

For starters, Windows Mobile 6.x should not even appear on some newer equipment. Since Windows Phone is here, with an upgrade path, it makes sense to sell new smartphones with the old system from Microsoft.

WinMo 6.5
Otherwise, some services linked to Windows Mobile will be retired soon. For example, the data backup. Microsoft announced Thursday that it intends to disable the My Windows Mobile Phone on October 6. It is then that information stored in your phone are copied to the Microsoft servers. Names of contacts, calendar appointments and messages are in danger of being lost if you fail to make a backup copy on their own.

The good news is that Microsoft will lend a hand to owners of devices with WinMo. On August 7, My Phone will stop working, but with the right to automatically back up the appointments, contacts and messages on SkyDrive. However, the user's obligation will make copies of documents, pictures and videos that are stored by chance in My Phone.

Already confirmed as the site of My Phone goes off the air on October 6. From that day it was.

Microsoft will also close the Windows Marketplace site, which also refers to the Windows Mobile 6.x. When he went down on July 15, owners of equipment with the system should download new applications directly on the device. Legend has it that the site will be disabled for a while, then return to the Windows Marketplace Phone 7, totally refurbished.

Update 20:00 | While My Phone is on borrowed time, the data will be saved on Microsoft's servers until October 10, 2012. Users can request a copy of the files to Microsoft, which promises to send a physical media with the backup. Only it is not clear whether the request should be made by letter.