Monday, May 30, 2011

Twitter will let you read the timeline of the others

It seems that Twitter has chosen this week to launch several new features in which, probably, your engineers have spent months developing. After activating the notifications of favorites, and mentions retweets by email (and pestering some members of the network in the process), Twitter has announced a feature that will let users view the timeline (or history, in official translation ) of each other.

According to the official announcement of the new feature, it will allow a member "Tweets see the accounts that a user follows, and also the list of those accounts," which essentially is the timeline of a user. The novelty, however, should not allow members to read the Twitter tweets from people with protected accounts.

Or at least I hope not, but I bit my tongue before finding that Twitter would not enable receive notifications via email by default. He is already activated to some members of the network but do not yet know how to appear, only to be activated on the page Following users.

Taking into account that have not yet activated or even the latest they've announced, I'll kick it will take even longer to get into my account. And I have created my own in 2007.

Update at 17:28 | The new feature is enabled on the account of Tecnoblog. I illustrated this post with a screenshot of how it should work. And by the way the resource is not protected accounts shows tweets, which is a relief.